Republican Runoff Election – May 28

There will be a runoff election on May 28 for several important Republican nominations that all Republicans here in Precinct 125 will want to cast their vote for. Election details can be found on Collin County GOP’s website, but I’ll do my best to summarize things.

There is a runoff for the GOP nomination for the United States House of Representatives (Congress) for District 32 between Darrell Day and David Blewett. I endorse Darrell Day.

For State Board of Education, District 12, there is a runoff between Pam Little and Jamie Kohlmann.

For State Representative to the Texas Legislature there is a runoff between Justin Holand and Katrina Pierson. In endorse Katrina Pierson.

For District Judge for the 401st Judicial District (a court that tries felony criminal cases, civil cases with greater amounts in controversy, and family law matters) Kim Laseter and Joel Petrazio.

For the Collin County GOP County Chair (that governs the Collin County Executive Committee meetings, among other things) Shelby Williams and Ellen Loveless.

The last day to register to vote for this election is April 29. The last day to request a mail in ballot is May 17.

Early voting runs from May 20-24 and polls are open from 7am to 7pm. Early voting locations are here.

If you miss early voting, vote on election day, May 28, at these locations.